Clarke's Industries



Proud USA Company

Bulk Material Handling

Drag Chain Conveyor

Drag Chain Conveyor 1
Drag Chain Conveyor 2

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Drag Chain Conveyors

For conveying heavy loads, wet, dry, hot or cold; or materials with large particles and diverse shapes, Clarke’s rugged, high tensile Drag Chain Conveyors will more than fill your needs.

Clarke’s heavy duty long wearing chain conveyors are heat and cold resistant, and provide a constant positive movement of material.

For extended life, quite running, and additional horsepower savings, U.H.M.W (polyethylene) bottom and return liners are used in many applications.

Conveyor Products




Drag Chain

Products by Category

Pneumatic Components

Bulk Material Handling Systems

Wood Waste Reduction

Spark Detection and Extinguishment

Custom Fabrication and Steel Processing

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